
Solving the "ghost" Java process

"Ghost Process", "Zombie Process", "Unkillable Process", etc... is basically a process that can't be killed/remove from system. You might have this problem when you play Minecraft, or you're hosting a server using Java. I do also have this problem as well, and I want to share with you how do I fixed it. Now you might came here for the "there is no running instance of the task" error when you're using taskkill /f /im javaw.exe . If so then you're in the right place. Some notes: For Linux users, simply use kill -9 What I've tried? Search Google (none of them are related to Java) Reinstall drivers (as well as update the drivers) Uninstall updates (doesn't do anything, as well as putting my PC into risk) So, how do I fixed it? Simply reinstall Java! Now you might be disappointed, because reinstalling Java is an easy task, and everyone can do it. But man, this takes me a long time until I remember "Rein...


Hello and welcome, you might visited to this site, either the URL from DevTools, or just search for "Self XSS". If you're here because of the URL from DevTools, then you might be scammed (or you just came here because you're bored, right?) What the hell is this? Self-XSS is a method to trick you to paste malicious Javascript code in your browser development tool (if you're using Chrome/Chromium then it's called DevTools). These code can steal your account, cookies, and other data that's related to the site that you're in. Sound scary, how does it works? As I've said before, Self-XSS is a method to trick you to paste malicious Javascript code in your browser development tool. Once that script is executed, it will get your account token (the thing that let you use account without logging in multiple times), cookies (another kind of thing, similar to token), and other kind of data. Then it will send to attacker's server those informa...

Battlegrounds Resourcepack Update! (3/28/2020)

OwO What's this? A resourcepack? Hello and welcome. Today I'll release a new update for my resourcepack that can be used with my plugin, Battlegrounds! Here are the changes to the resourcepack: + Added Desert Eagle > Remodeled weapons (but haven't remodeled the shotgun yet) > From now on, you can easily create your own weapon skin, based on it's base model. So, if you want a red pistol, then just simply clone the texture, and edit it. You can download the resourcepack in here . You might also want to download other resourcepacks from me. In that case, simply click here to select and download resourcepack you want. So umm, I hope you like this update. If you have any suggestion, please leave them in the comment section, and I'll take a look at it. See ya'

Welcome to the beginning!

Ayy henlo here. It's look like this is the first post on this blog! So... what do I do in here? I spend lot of time to programming and do stuffs. Sometimes I write a HTML5 tool, sometimes I write Spigot server plugin (if you don't know then Spigot is basically a customized Minecraft server software). I do also making some Minecraft item models and textures too. If you want an item model, just contact me and I'll try my best to make it as fast as possible. Anyways, stay safe, and I'll see you in next time...