
Hello and welcome, you might visited to this site, either the URL from DevTools, or just search for "Self XSS".
If you're here because of the URL from DevTools, then you might be scammed (or you just came here because you're bored, right?)

What the hell is this?

Self-XSS is a method to trick you to paste malicious Javascript code in your browser development tool (if you're using Chrome/Chromium then it's called DevTools). These code can steal your account, cookies, and other data that's related to the site that you're in.

Sound scary, how does it works?

As I've said before, Self-XSS is a method to trick you to paste malicious Javascript code in your browser development tool. Once that script is executed, it will get your account token (the thing that let you use account without logging in multiple times), cookies (another kind of thing, similar to token), and other kind of data. Then it will send to attacker's server those information. And once they got your account token, they can read all your private messages, and, well, some secret thing about you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

How do I prevent it?

All you need to do is to NOT paste any of Javascript code from someone else in your browser development tool. If you want to "hack" someone then please, take a course on ethical hacking instead (although I don't recommend you to do that).

That's it. Stay safe, and I'll see you next time.


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